“Articulately Wild.”

I want to be seen as tender. I want to be seen as soft. I want my edges to be soft. Or maybe just my softness to be edgy. I want to put my tenderness on full display. I want my heart to be seen to be heard in ways that I can only communicate through the edges of my body. I wish for my edges to melt into you. Into the ground. Into the air. I want to become an object of yearning.

At the same time I want to scream in catharsis. To hit things hard. To have bruises from a long day of work. I want the strobe lights to come from within and without. I want to let my bones crash in configurations that I thought impossible. I want chaos, I want to be her vessel. I want to be the thought that's relentless, that is a scratch that never goes away, but feels so good to itch. I want my work to be crawled back to. I want to jerk myself off in glitter and dirt and sweat.

I make work that is rooted in collective daydreaming, where we create tools together in our queerness, where we utilize the politics of bodies and space. I am obsessed with questions of the work that comes after social change: What do we do with liberation? What happens and how do we act after change has been enacted? My favorite question is have we asked the right questions.

Please contact for full CV.

Photo Courtesy of Kat Wilson Photography

Performance Highlights

Company B | Paul Taylor Polka | Mark Morris PacoPepePluto | Alejandro Cerrudo Daydream of the Menaced Assasin | Adam Barruch Memory Affair | Gavin Stewart & Vanessa Owen pole star (bright) | Maurya Kerr Fools | Nick Korkos The Resilient | Joshua Manculich


Things I want to talk about

miniature revolutions how we construct memories how we forget decolonizing the body languages the allure of wild animals in cages the sustainability of dance company models falafel altruism within arts education


Life Highlights

running up sand dunes in Michigan Having a (short) conversation in Greek Throwing away my last pair of pink tights Exploring Sunday markets in Berlin Being paid to make art with my friends climbing my first 14er Dancing to jazz in the streets at midnight My first time trying paella Learning to knit with my grandmother